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全球市场波动,“美国优先”对市场有什么影响?|「GTC泽汇」分析师再次做客France 24

所属分类:公司资讯 发布时间:2024-11-25 17:39 点击量:630

全球市场波动,“美国优先”对市场有什么影响?|「GTC泽汇」分析师再次做客France 24

-采访日期11.7 2024

France 24 连线「GTC泽汇」首席分析师Jameel Ahmad解读全球市场前景。特朗普胜选后市场重新定价“美国优先”政策,预计企业盈利增加、股市上涨。同时,比特币和美元可能走强,而通胀预期和利率政策的重要性减弱。

France 24: It's time now to bring you the latest business news. For that, we say hello to Jameel Ahmad, who's a chief analyst at GTC. Jameel, it was a hectic day in the global markets on Wednesday. Tell us more about that.

France 24:现在为您带来最新的财经新闻。我们连线了GTC的首席分析师Jameel Ahmad。Jameel,周三全球市场的波动相当剧烈,您能为我们详细解读一下吗?

GTC Group:Indeed it was, and that's because we always said that neither outcome was pricing to the market. But now that this is settled, what investors are pricing in is the return of America first and always. And for global markets, in terms of U.S. financial markets in particular, what we saw in the first version of Make America Great Again was tax cuts, fiscal spending, deregulation, and that led to more profitability for companies. In version two, we're expecting the same narrative of that movie, and investors are now rushing to price that in. So it means more profitability, higher U.S. stock market sentiment, and so forth. And that's why we saw such shocks higher and surges in U.S. financial markets. The interesting thing is whether we're going to now see like a decoupling of the relationship because America first and always is so focused on American policies and American economy that maybe what drives sentiment for U.S. financial markets is not going to drive sentiment for other global markets during the second term in office.


France 24: Okay, and what are the Trump trades that we need to watch out for?

France 24:那么,我们应该特别关注哪些与“特朗普交易”相关的内容呢?

GTC Group:Trump promised and pledged to make America the crypto capital of the world, and we saw another surge higher in Bitcoin, which moved towards new all-time highs above 70,000 U.S. dollars. And I think that we're going to be watching digital assets and cryptocurrencies very closely heading into the second presidency under Donald Trump. The other thing that we're going to be watching very closely is a much stronger U.S. currency, and that means the U.S. dollar. That's because America first and always and those America first policies does suggest more strength for the U.S. currency. And we cannot forget as well that there was a very famous comment during the end of the campaign that tariff should be the favorite word in the dictionary, which suggests more trade wars, suggests more trade tariffs on other trading partners of the United States. And all of that points towards more strength in the U.S. currency as a result.


France 24: And prior to the U.S. elections, inflation expectations and interest rate policy were the dominating macro themes. Does this now change?

France 24:在美国大选之前,市场的主要宏观主题是通胀预期和利率政策。那么现在这些主题还依然重要吗?

GTC Group:We can throw those macro themes out of the window now. We might see them continue up until the inauguration, but very much now focused on this America first and always pledges and also make America great again. We saw the first movie, so we know the narrative that we saw between 2016 and 2020. But make America great again in the second sequel, in version 2.0, we expect it to be on a complete different level to the first movie. And that's why we're going to see a complete different shift in investor themes and focus. And I think we start to see some of those trends creep in into sentiment during the election outcome yesterday. But as the inauguration comes close to early 2025, I think we're not going to be focused on inflation expectations anymore. We're very much going to be focusing on what America first policies and what America first and always is going to mean under the second presidency of Donald Trump.


France 24: All right, Jameel Ahmad, thank you very much for keeping an eye on all the important business news.

France 24:好的,非常感谢你,Jameel Ahmad,为我们带来最新的财经动态。